Mastodon Mastodon

Effects of High Intensity Interval Training

This is a course project from MCB 32L offered at UC Berkeley.

Our project focuses the metabolic cost to burn calories for interval running and constant running. When we exercise, our body produces molecules called ATP to provide energy and carry all the muscle movements. In order to produce ATP, the body uses a metabolic reaction called cellular respiration. The main energy source for cellular respiration is a carbohydrate, which consists of multiple sugars called glucose. Glucose can be used for two types of processes during cellular respiration, based on oxygen use. The first process is called glycolysis and no oxygen is needed to produce ATP here. On the other hand, the second process including oxidative phosphorylation uses oxygen and it is more efficient to produce large amount of ATP.

For this study, we used oxygen consumption ($V_{O_2}$) and Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) to compare metabolic cost for interval and constant running. RER is the value of carbon dioxide produced divided by oxygen consumed.

Chengkun (Charlie) Li
Incoming PhD Student
