Star War game


The Game was developed by our team using C++ and SFML library. And it’s Compatible with machines running both MacOS and Windows system. (Could be compiled from source on Linux)

video demo

The game was released at link: [Release link]


Brief Code Structure

Code Structure

Development Timeline

  dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
  section Coding
  Prototype           :a1, 2018-02-25, 14d
  Game Coding         :a2, after a1  , 2018-04-28
  Optimizing          :a3, after a2  , 10d
  section Designing
  Articulate Plots and Scenes      :2018-02-28  , 30d
  section Releases
  1st release          : 2018-03-31, 1d
  2nd release          : 2018-04-14, 1d
  3rd release          : 2018-04-28, 1d
Chengkun (Charlie) Li
MSc student in Robotics

just a random guy.
